By Anonymous - 19/05/2015 19:53 - United States - New Albany

Today, in my film class, we were watching Schindler's List. At least, we tried. The moron next to me kept interrupting the most intense scenes with a very loud, "I don't get it." Not only did she break the focus of the class, but we had to keep stopping the movie to explain it to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 932
You deserved it 1 920

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well why don't you be quiet and listen and watch to "get it".

the teacher should give her that film and give her a hard homework to make sure she got it.


ouijacorn 9

I have so much respect for you, OP, I probably would have punched her. Last weekend, I saw Mad Max with my friends, which would have been great if the guy behind me hadn't be going: "OH WOOOW!" "OH MY GOOOD!" the whole time. I told him to shut the **** up like four times and he never did. It's even worse in a Film's Class though. Why even take a film's class if you're not willing to switch your brain on?

With stuff like this I really wonder if she "didn't get it" or if she just wants attention. I mean, if you are confused to the point that it's annoying the class, wouldn't it be embarrassing to keep stopping the movie?

StiffPvtParts 43

I wouldn't bother trying to explain anything to her. Doing so just seems like a wasted effort. ( ._.)

Maybe she's deaf/partly deaf? I have the same issue if the subtitles aren't on.

I'm so sorry to hear about this idiot. Schindler's List is an amazing film, and I hope you get to experience it properly some day.

Those are the type of people that I wouldn't mind backhanding across the face

HATE when people do that! You don't get it because you won't shut up and listen. Why not ask questions towards the end?

ikr! especially when the person doesn't even TRY to understand the movie/book. I HATE it soooo much

Should have shot her in the neck! (If you saw the movie, you'll know.)