By bwoolf96 - 10/09/2015 12:32

Today, in the early hours of the morning, I woke up in sleep paralysis, hallucinating the sight of children hanging from the ceiling. Now I'm scared to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 949
You deserved it 1 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I had them all the time when I was five. I saw a black octopus dragging itself towards my bed every night. They went away by themselves eventually, hopefully they will do the same for you.


If you can convince yourself not to be afraid, sleep paralysis can truly be an experience to look forward to. I had one extremely disturbing experience with it, which was a terrifying premonitory nightmare (and the events did come to pass later), but the others have been both sublime and enlightening. If you are bringing fear into the experience, you will continue to encounter unpleasant, negative, or destructive aspects. If you embrace it and leave any fear out of it, you can have wonderful and insightful experiences. Don't be afraid, have no fear.

What are the symptoms before hand, I've never hear of this.

There are no symptoms before it. You just wake up and you can't move, but sometimes your eyes are open and you're still technically dreaming so you can hallucinate. It's pretty terrifying and usually happens if you fall asleep on your back.

JaydenKlein__ 16

Ah, waking up during R.E.M. sleep. I've never experienced it, but I've heard about it, and it sounds scary >~

when sleep paralysis happens you have to try and relax. be aware of yourself. you'll start moving again. that shit sucks and can be scary. I've had this happen to me since I was little. you gotta calm your of luck op...

Ninjerman 7

Why would anyone think you deserve this? wtf people?

jonjon1319 5

sleep paralysis is common you were so deep in your sleep you were still seeing your dream as you wake up, but you were technically still asleep, it just so happened you were looking at the ceiling.

God damn ive never heard of this before but after reading this and peoples stories in comments i really wished i skipped this fml :(

I know your pain, last that had happened to me i thought i was being abducted by aliens.

Thanks comment section I didn't need sleep before a test anyways. On a side note, really glad that's sleeping my stomach now