By bwoolf96 - 10/09/2015 12:32

Today, in the early hours of the morning, I woke up in sleep paralysis, hallucinating the sight of children hanging from the ceiling. Now I'm scared to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 949
You deserved it 1 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I had them all the time when I was five. I saw a black octopus dragging itself towards my bed every night. They went away by themselves eventually, hopefully they will do the same for you.


That's not how sleep paralysis works... But okay.

FlamePirate 16

Was this your first experience with sleep paralysis? I've dealt with it at least half a dozen times. IT SUCKS!

I used to get sleep paralysis a lot but in recent years I've started sleeping on my side and I'm pretty sure it stopped. Maybe you should try that OP?

I'm not gonna lie, I would most probably freak the **** out, start crying and just die a little bit on the inside.

I used to be thrown of the top of a hotel every night when I was 5 and 8. Fell right into my bed and woke up soaked...

Jeez I wish I could have experiences like that. Would make life interesting for once.

Fergud 6

There is a way to prevent this Firstly you slowly move the tips of your finger tips working up to slow movement of your hands Secondly same with thing with your feet Thirdly work your way up so hands then arms keep moving them and legs keep moving them as best as you can and once you are able to move completely slowly open your eyes ITS VITAL YOU KEEP YOUR EYES SHUT THROUGH THIS PROCESS otherwise you will see bad things again

that used to happen to me every time I'd sleep, sorry