By bwoolf96 - 10/09/2015 12:32

Today, in the early hours of the morning, I woke up in sleep paralysis, hallucinating the sight of children hanging from the ceiling. Now I'm scared to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 949
You deserved it 1 873

Same thing different taste

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I had them all the time when I was five. I saw a black octopus dragging itself towards my bed every night. They went away by themselves eventually, hopefully they will do the same for you.


Zomg, that would terrify me beyond anything! FYL OP. :(

middlenamefrank 8

That's called "lucid dreaming" and you can learn to control it. It can actually be pretty fun if you do.

Lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis have nearly nothing to do with each other.

Not so. The state of mind you're in while in sleep paralysis is essentially the same as when lucid dreaming. In fact, many people (like myself) use sleep paralysis to actually ENTER lucid dreams in the optimal state.

OMG, I _WANT_ to do this! Sounds like a playground for the mind! Sure, it'd be scary at first but then, use your imagination, what a trip!

...Sleep paralysis cannot be controlled with "imagination". It's a state where you can't move and hallucinate (usually what scares you in the back of your mind) and gives you feelings of uneasiness and difficulties in breathing for as long as it lasts. If you're looking for something fun to unleash your imagination in dreams look into lucid dreaming instead.

How I get over sleep paralysis is that I try to think of the most random thing like a paint brush for instance and I just focus on that and then I let that lead to other pleasant thoughts and if that doesn't work then I push with all my might to get up and try to turn on the light.

I get sleep paralysis quite a bit. The first time was horrifying but the rest I just got used to. I usually hear opera music and singing. The first time it kept getting progressively louder and sounded like a cheap horror flick soundtrack, lol.

And to the person who said lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis have nothing to do with each other - bullshit. I use sleep paralysis to GO INTO lucid dreams. It increases my chances of being lucid exponentially. It relates for other reasons too, that I won't go into here.

Does anyone know why do people always see only scary things during sleep paralysis? Some of my friends experienced it, and it happens to them only if they sleep on their back. I was never paralyzed, but if I'm laying on my back, sometimes I have auditory hallucinations in half-sleep and they last few more seconds after I wake up. Few days ago it was really loud and demonic voice angrily yelling at me in some foreign language

You have a demon my friend. Kik me for help tjhopper2427

been there. know the feels. man standing over my bed, women screaming as my house fills blood. eyes open, mind awake unable to move, heart racing, sweating. not fun.