By Anonymous - 14/04/2014 20:12 - United States - Ellicott City

Today, in the middle of sex, my girlfriend yelled, "STUFF ME LIKE A TURKEY!" I couldn't finish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 673
You deserved it 8 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Scubanaut 13

Did you quit her cold turkey?

Bwcoleman222 5



ahippienamedrae 10

Well... 'turkey basting' is a sexual metaphor too, so you could've went along with it. ._.

lmfao!!! hope you gave thanks after ;)

That's a real shame, basting is what makes a turkey

Today, while my boyfriend and I were having sex, I yelled something I thought would be sexy so he could finish. He didn't. FML

Yep I agree. That would put anyone off.

FMLworthy5000 21

She's a bit late for that holiday

here com turkey stuffer to the resuce

billiejoe7 10

not a man bc he couldnt finish? she hollered out something so stupid that didnt turn him on. not his fault. if my fiance said something along those lines to me, i probably wouldnt finish either, so that may make me "not a woman?"

starcaller17 16

#76, no, it would make you not a man, like they said