By trice - 08/05/2013 17:48 - United States - Austin

Today, it's my birthday. Three people wished me happy birthday: Google, my insurance company, and the place I lease my car from. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 374
You deserved it 4 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

abbttmc 12

Happy birthday now it's 4 people :)

perdix 29

Aw, shit, you mean your dentist forgot? If you show Denny's your driver's license, they'll suddenly remember and give you some free food!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Believe it or not, i truely do care about u. :) cuz i care about everyone.

Thats still better than me, I only get one from my insurance company

At least someone told you happy birthday.

happy happy birthday .. from all of us to you....we wish it was our birthday... so we could party too....HEY!

shaww 28

am i the only one who noticed there are no dislikes or negative thumbs? P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY OP!

Well maybe you should get Facebook then...

RabidRabi 2

You officially had your Sixteen candle moment hopefully you get to male out with some hot person on top of their dining room table... Molly Ringwald style

I can't be sure if 'male out' is deliberate or not. But I'll assume it is. This time!