By trice - 08/05/2013 17:48 - United States - Austin

Today, it's my birthday. Three people wished me happy birthday: Google, my insurance company, and the place I lease my car from. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 374
You deserved it 4 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

abbttmc 12

Happy birthday now it's 4 people :)

perdix 29

Aw, shit, you mean your dentist forgot? If you show Denny's your driver's license, they'll suddenly remember and give you some free food!


TheHeavyOne 15

Today is my birthday too! HAPPY BIRTHDAY OP! :D Hope you made the best of it!

Jay_Dee_14 7
inkdeath87 18

Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday dear OP! Happy Birthday to You!

vuragado 10

Sorry Op, Better luck next year!