By Anonymous - 29/01/2012 19:09 - United States

Today, it's my girlfriend's birthday. I presented her with an oil painting of her that I'd been working on for over a month, and she started to cry. I thought it was because she liked it, until she asked if she really looks that ugly and disproportionate in real life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 986
You deserved it 3 869

Same thing different taste


Clamcreepy 7

Gotta get those artistic skills up and do a way better oil painting because your girlfriend's self esteem is messed up now after you made her think she's a gremlin or even worst FAT!

mama2b3 20

Is she or do you suck at painting?

StillSinging9594 0

Hahaha I love this! Don't take it to heart... It's probably more about her lack of confidence than your lack of skill at painting.

YDI, Thats why you should never give something you made yourself to women (other then your mother when still in primary school) they won't appreciate the effort. It will either be too ugly, or even when it is beautiful, you are too cheap to buy a real present. There is no winning. Especially when she gives you something she made, no matter how crap or horrible it is you are mandated to like it above all else or no sex for the next 2 months.

What kind of women have you been around?

jacob4592 0

1. You probably got that off of a tv show 2. Plenty of girls do take in to consideration the hard work the significant other put into the said gift if made. So what you said is retarded

23- Probably none, unless you count his pet sheep.

28- Oh how unfortunate that 20 hasn't met women :/

Jdog619 11

Have you ever been around a woman other than your mother? My girlfriend personally loves homemade gifts. I feel unthoughtful if I don't put a lot of time into a gift. She painted me a picture - not of me, but relevant to my being a musician - and I absolutely love it. Anyone can drop some cash on a gift, but putting your time into it; that means something.

I love all the things my boyfriend makes for me.

If a guy I was with took the time, thought, and effort into making something for me, I would be very happy. Thats just very thoughtful and romantic. You probably need to just find better girls.

Ones that don't appreciate arts and craft, was that not clear?

josiefay 0

My boyfriend loves to receive and give personal and homemade gifts. He's a photographer, and I personally think it's amazing he will take pictures of me that I think are horribly unflattering because he thinks they're beautiful. Then he spends several hours getting the colors and contrast just the way he wants. Watching him pour over getting things like my eyes just right always makes my heart smile.

wow, you're boyfriend loves homemade gifts! and i love it when he makes me homemade gifts! he even once gave me a candle he made by hand and told me it represented the fire of our love =) so you need to stop hanging around girls who seem to be stuck up snobs =)

jacob4592 0

Dude gift from the heart!! Good job! If she doesn't like it or see the love in it oh we'll her loss

xbella 8

she doesn't appreciate the beauty of art.. and obviously doesn't appreciate the effort you put into it.

Mister_Triangle 21

It was probably "modern" art; not very many people 'get' it

Whocarez 10

Haha I'm sorry for laughing but this is funny. Don't take it to heart. Just buy her jewelry and candy next time. Hand made gift are not always a perfect gift. Plus it sounds like she has lack if confidence. Sorry hun.

MissFits_fml 6

You should have told her that it was a cross between surrealism and abstract. ...and cubism.

She should stop crying and count he lucky stars that she has a boyfriend at all, if she is that ugly and disproportioned! Ungrateful bitch!