By Anonymous - 29/01/2012 19:09 - United States

Today, it's my girlfriend's birthday. I presented her with an oil painting of her that I'd been working on for over a month, and she started to cry. I thought it was because she liked it, until she asked if she really looks that ugly and disproportionate in real life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 986
You deserved it 3 869

Same thing different taste


Ouch. I'm sorry to hear that, man. Well, if she thinks your portrait of her is ugly, then that's her loss. I personally would be over the moon if my boyfriend took the time to make such a heartfelt gift for me. Hopefully she comes to appreciate the effort you put into making it.

khan7864u 4

sorry to dear tht....u shouldve taken it easy n gifted some chocolates or flowers

I would break up with her for being dumb and rude. I'm sorry, OP. but how could she possibly say something like that, and then feel sorry for herself???

b0ngs 7

I feel bad for the OP b/c he spent all that time and effort, she should have appriciated it and kept her thoughts to herself. She sounds a little concieted I think. No reason to dump her though OP, just tell her that she should have apprieciated it.

ipoopinshoes 2
Meaningless 1

Wow I would love for my boyfriend to paint me a picture Sorry OP ):

I actually agree with you sort of. I get my gf good gifts and she likes em. The part I agree about is that she will give u some pretty dumb gifts and even tho u want to say something, don't and just TRY and act happy about it.

chelseaaa92 7

Wow.. She didn't even thank you for the thoughtful gift!??

KiddNYC1O 20

Some people just aren't photogenic in all forms.

Wow that would suck u only tired to do some thing lovely for her , and she crushes ur feelings and hard work .What a bitch FYL