By Anonymous - 29/01/2012 19:09 - United States

Today, it's my girlfriend's birthday. I presented her with an oil painting of her that I'd been working on for over a month, and she started to cry. I thought it was because she liked it, until she asked if she really looks that ugly and disproportionate in real life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 986
You deserved it 3 869

Same thing different taste


hateevryone 14

that should tell you something about the way you paint.

Maybe OP sucks at painting? And if he does not, he'd better not draw his girlfriend unless he is a professional. Because... girls sometimes are somewhat stupid, when there's something wrong with their appearance.

I just opened the comments to write this.but u already did:-)

GhettoMuzick 0

Lol I think that was a bitch move.

anonymous1404 1

Remember it's the thought that counts :) It was a nice thing to do anyway.

SillyPumpkins 0

YGGYGuBy g gggfyglg you'vegv yh

marisadc79 0

Wow it's the thought that counts and even if it did look bad she shouldn't have acted that way. You made a nice gesture.

Oilpainting is hecka hard, and if you spent that much time on it, you really must have been wanting to make a great gift and impression. She doesn't deserve a guy who is willing to spend so much time and effort on her if she is just going to criticise!

Hecka? You're on a site called **** my life and you can't even say hell?

She should be grateful! At least you tried