By Dopeboyfresh71 - 19/12/2010 01:02 - United States

Today, it's my sixteenth birthday. The only gift I got was a bill from my parents. Apparently, the rent is due on the 1st. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 972
You deserved it 3 262

Same thing different taste


I didn't have parents. Im Ghetto, and White... I was raised on the Streets... You should feel lucky :D

schwiggidy 0

Free food, no bills, no responsibility unless your parents want you out. Why move out? all one needs is a steady supply of food and xbox.

chillinAK 9

Hmm, you wouldn't happen to get a positive pregnancy test today, did you? If so, they are making you feel even more grown up. FYL op, but my sister in law actually had tue same thing happen to her. As soon as she started working she started paying. Maybe they really are trying to teach you responsibility - as in get a job. Really sucks to be you.

Point out to them that now you're a tenant, you expect to have a say in the way the household is run, and that the 'my roof, my rules' argument no longer applies.

Wasterni 0

Yeah 64 I guess you could do that if you really wanted to get to know your hand better.

"Parents" ?!? Don't you mean 'pimp' ? (just joking !)

Yeah because living at home a few more years than normal and being able to build a solid savings account makes you a total D-bag. Besides if you find the right girl she'll understand being smart and saving money. I did the same thing and it helped tremendously when I moved out because I never had to struggle with money, due to saving so much at my parents.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Go to social services. There's something wrong with your life.