By Anonymous - 12/04/2009 15:22 - United States

Today, it was easter and I thought it might be fun to look for eggs with my little brother. My parents told me to take the ones in the higher places that my brother couldn't reach. All of his eggs were filled with candy or money. Each one of mine had a note saying 'maybe when you lose weight'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 967
You deserved it 9 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aera_fml 0

Wow. Next holiday (maybe Christmas) give your mom a note in a Tiffany's box that says, "Maybe when you pull that pine cone out of your ass" and give your dad the same note in an equally exciting box.

cyxx 0

Ouch, that's mean ... They could have just filled your eggs with money instead of candy, which would've been a subtle hint. That was harsh.


wow you have REALLY rude parents. i would be ashamed to have parents that mean!

They couldn't even give you the money?

"a) we got the school to enroll her in a second gym class and let us know if she wasn't participating in it (she used to be the type that walke daway from the ball when it flew toward her and did not make an effort to catch/hit anything)." im sorry, but that is not the right thing to do at all. thats more of a fml than this is.

brittanycraze 0

wow.. your parents suck ass. I'd flip shit and smack a bitch.

brittanycraze 0

AND i would give your mom a bunch of makeup.. and be like, oh, maybe this will make you more attractive.

jazzjazz09 0

that's mean, you must be morbidly obesed if your parents are telling you that.

_mcs_ 0

Ouch, that's cruel. #39 Or maybe their parents are completely heartless douche bags.

loose weight wait til next easter ??? win