By slavelaborsux - 29/08/2011 23:59 - United States

Today, it was my first day on the job as a first grade teacher. One student pushed another, so I asked him to apologize. His response? "If you boss me around, I'll tell Daddy you touched me somewhere you shouldn't have." I think I'm now this kid's slave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 774
You deserved it 3 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buttsexpirate 9

I'd report that little shit to his parents. Don't let him boss you around or else more and more kids will follow and you'll be miserable. Stand up for yourself!

Is it me, or are children getting less and less respectful at a sickeningly fast rate?


iAmScrubs 19

Let's just hope he doesn't tell his dad that you touched him in the bellybutton. Anywhere but the bellybutton!

jbong 0

1st grade tho? Im impressed i dont think he learned that all by himself tho

Mokiikom_fml 8

The worst is that little jerks like that are more and more common this days, and it's like Peter and the wolf. When it actually happens, no one will listen and little dipshits like this kid will have endangered other kids who are actually abused but no one believes them.

Mokiikom_fml 8

No, it's extremely simple. It's in human nature to abuse the rules and twist things to your advantage. Corruption is deeply human. Children are no different. If anything, they are worse because they don't always understand the consequences. So naturally, a child hears their parents tell him/her to tell them if anyone touches them inappropriately, because they'll immediately intervene and it's a big deal and all... that's fine in itself, but in the kid's mind, this doesn't equal "oh, it's an important issue that must not be messed with", it simply equals "oh ho, I have a powerful weapon to use against anyone I want to get in trouble!!" Of course, it helps if the parents explain things properly, but that's not that frequent, and you can also only explain so much to a little kid.

Read your class the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". Then, after he's falsely accused you a few times, hire a paedo to actually molest him. ;)

Time to invest in some type of recording device.

if his parents teach him how to respect others. He would not do this anymore....

catnip1998 1

yeah because people will believe a first grader over an adult teacher.

Lawyer here. Scary part about this is that all you need for a child molester conviction is the word of the kid. Physical evidence? No. Witnesses? No. DNA? Nope. The police aren't going to believe you, the child therapists will tell the child to stick to their story, and everyone the kid repeats his story to will be paraded in front of the jury making it 10 adults versus you. If you ever wanted to see what the USA would like under "presumed guilty until proven innocent", this is it.

RainbowHeadache 2

It would only escalate too once other parents found out. They'd ask their kids if she also touched them and if the kid is pressured enough they'll say yes even if it didn't happen. That's where the shit really hits the fan.