By Mark - 06/06/2012 02:21 - United States

Today, it was the last day of school, and I said goodbye to one of my students. She then told me how to correctly pronounce her name. I'd said it wrong all year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 861
You deserved it 12 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sooo, why did she wait for the end of the school year to correct you?

Lizza330 28

It's not your fault. She should've corrected you.


I wouldn't feel bad about it. It's her own damn fault for not correcting you up front.

Why didn't she tell you the first time?

It's not like it's your fault, she should have corrected you.

debins33 1

Don't feel bad. I correct my teachers a few times in the beginning of the year and give up since people barely get my name right even though I say how to pronounce it alot. Having a German name sucks. You should've added an important detail to your post, OP. Whether she corrected you at all the whole year and how many times if she did. I'm gonna say FYL, assuming she did nothing to help you pronounce it.

Teachers go on FML?!? what is this sorcery?! O__O

Cassandrax731 5

Teachers do that to me all the time because my name can be pronounced 2 ways, but I usually don't bother to correct them anymore because I don't care and they'd just screw it up again anyway. Maybe she was like me?

wallstreet_fml 2

Her fault, she continued to let you say it wrong instead of correcting you the first time.

aydanenyawillow 1

I have had the same problem to. Yay! I'm not the only one.