By Mark - 06/06/2012 02:21 - United States

Today, it was the last day of school, and I said goodbye to one of my students. She then told me how to correctly pronounce her name. I'd said it wrong all year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 861
You deserved it 12 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sooo, why did she wait for the end of the school year to correct you?

Lizza330 28

It's not your fault. She should've corrected you.


Don't feel to bad some people name there kids really dumb names if its anything like these famous idiots are nameing there kids common apple? Ipod! These people are namein there kids this crap!

Well I know how that feels, she probably wated to tell you because she felt bad correcting you or so many people already pronounce it incorrectly that she either no longer cared or got used to it.

NailQueen2 7

See I would have said something the first time you misprounoced it

newmaster95 2
Suzumebachi 5

Wow. Whatever though, don't even worry! It's her fault for not telling you!

lilysmiles143 0

Well it doesn't matter, really, because if she truly cared, she would have corrected you way earlier. And it's not like (probably) she DID correct you before and you just forgot/didn't notice, because you seem decently attentive from your wording.fAns if it mattered, it would be her fault.

puddingface94 3

Yeah, she should have told you...