By Mark - 06/06/2012 02:21 - United States

Today, it was the last day of school, and I said goodbye to one of my students. She then told me how to correctly pronounce her name. I'd said it wrong all year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 861
You deserved it 12 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sooo, why did she wait for the end of the school year to correct you?

Lizza330 28

It's not your fault. She should've corrected you.


hiandrews69 29

I don't understand how this could be the op's fault. How could she have known she was pronouncing it wrong if the girl (or no one else) spoke up? I can't be positive, but I'm pretty sure op wasn't a mind-reader.

fuggotmuggot 14

That happened to me in 8th grade.

I had a psychology class in which there was a girl named Georgia, but the professor kept calling her "Gregoria" I considered telling her, but, I decided it wasn't my responsibility and I wanted to see how it played out. This continued for a month until another student spoke up. I was rolling on the floor laughing cause I was the only one who had been paying attention.