By Mark - 06/06/2012 02:21 - United States

Today, it was the last day of school, and I said goodbye to one of my students. She then told me how to correctly pronounce her name. I'd said it wrong all year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 861
You deserved it 12 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sooo, why did she wait for the end of the school year to correct you?

Lizza330 28

It's not your fault. She should've corrected you.


AshCrash_xo 0
Hiphuray4peas 27

Sometimes having a hard to pronounce name makes it tiring to correct people's mispronunciation. People usually get my name of the 5th try... if I corrected everyone every single time I'd be ready to pull my hair out with frustration. It is what it it. Maybe OP should have made an effort to make sure all names were pronounced correctly on day one.... or maybe its not worth caring about at all.

Why didn't she correct you the first day..?

I hate that my preschoolers teacher never gets it right, she is supposed to be teaching her how to spell her name when she can't even say it... Madelin it's easy.i feel for the student

froggermea 5

Same thing happens to me, I have a russian name that's apparently hard to pronounce. I don't think so. I mean "LIDIJA" is not that hard to pronounce, the 'j' is freaking silent XD

I think she deserved it. Either she was ok with it and than she just should shut the f**k up and don´t blame you. Or she should have told you before.

Most people would've corrected you first time you pronounced it wrong. Either she'd tried to correct you several times before or she thought it'd make you feel crap... which it really shouldn't!

Rocky007 15

Your assertiveness lesson finally sunk in.

1LuvsU 1

that sucks :o why would she have waited to tell you? to her and her friends it probably made you look stupid. lame