By Anonymous - 21/10/2010 21:44 - Canada

Today, l was crouched on the ground in the doorway at a haunted mansion. It's part of my job here to scare the people passing by. A 12 year-old girl walked by, I grabbed her leg, and she kicked me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 978
You deserved it 41 821

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mattskii 0

I used to work at screamfactor, and we were not allowed to touch so YDI

What kind of haunted mansion are you working on? Every time I have worked in a haunted house or the like, they have made it a point to tell us to scare people WITHOUT touching them. It avoids incidents like this one and keeps them from suing you for unwanted touches. I'm going to have to say YDI for this one because there are so many better ways to scare people.


I went to one in Philly recently and they were allowed to touch. so.... fyl man.

Not true. It's considered assault. It's illegal to touch.

kratos1586 0

dude who do u work for? its illegal to touch other ppl wen "scaring" them. if u do touch them then they get to "touch" u with their feet.

Booskiesz 0

yeah, were i live haunted mansions and etc. are not alliwed to touch you. many

hahaha then I guess that they didn't need anymore fake blood huh?

I did that one but it was in the balls!! haha :)

bloodyfreak_fml 4

In the US it's a liability so touching customers is frowned upon, not sure about Canada. Still though it is a common sense rule to keep a distance of a foot or 2 if the definitely don't know you're there.

u put a period in the wrong spot and u shouldn't be feelin ppl up.

The periods are all correctly placed.

stewpididiot 11

three words for you : Full Catchers Gear !!!

jumpinurpants 0

ur allowed to touch people at some haunted houses. take bates motel for example.