By Anonymous - 21/10/2010 21:44 - Canada

Today, l was crouched on the ground in the doorway at a haunted mansion. It's part of my job here to scare the people passing by. A 12 year-old girl walked by, I grabbed her leg, and she kicked me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 978
You deserved it 41 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mattskii 0

I used to work at screamfactor, and we were not allowed to touch so YDI

What kind of haunted mansion are you working on? Every time I have worked in a haunted house or the like, they have made it a point to tell us to scare people WITHOUT touching them. It avoids incidents like this one and keeps them from suing you for unwanted touches. I'm going to have to say YDI for this one because there are so many better ways to scare people.


well were you wearing a mask because if you wernt and she kick you being freaked by ur face that's a fml

myagirl 0

hahaha that's whatcha get for scaring little kids or let alone people for a living go to college GET A LIFE!!!!!!!

myagirl 0

I know it's a horrible movie and book!!!!

lucaz77 0

to original dude, if it was at screamers in niagara falls long weekend it was my little sister lmfao she was saying something scared her so she kept on kicking xD

Next time don't grab childrens legs...or stop being a Pansy she's a little girl

scarletscribblez 0

Lmfao this fml made me laugh. Srry OP, FYL. Your job is quite painful .. :(. I'd love that job!! Cept I'd grab older and less vulnerable peoples legs :P Or just jump out n scare randoms :D Fun fun fun

Damn those haunted houses! Last time I went in one, some dude with a "chainsaw" came after me. I got scared and shoved him backwards making him trip and fall through this black curtain. I hate when that happens. OP, sorry man, but YDI.

MissHumanoid 0

Oh my..poor you for being owned by a 12 year old girl . :/ Haha..

mbouf 0

ha! you work at Wonderland at the Halloween haunt??

i thought the ppl at haunted houses couldnt touch the people??? so ydi