By Anonymous - 08/12/2011 18:14 - United States

Today, marks the two weeks since my paycheck should have arrived. During these two weeks, my battery has failed, tire has blown, and my phone and water bill have become past due. When I called the guy who's supposed to pay me, he said he has a note about it "somewhere on my desk". FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 832
You deserved it 2 310

Same thing different taste

Top comments

every1luvsboners 11

Go take a shit on his desk then tell him you left him a note on his desk.

This is why we can't have nice things...


ninjuh_wingman 29

Tell him your foots about to be somewhere up his ass.

crazyrunnergirl 7

I see you work for a very trustworthy company

Wow...... That has to be one of the worst two weeks of the digital age. FYL op. I'd have paid ya....

loveanthony645 5

Well tell that bastard you want your pay, you obviously need it for your bills!

Ah see THATS where they went wrong, they forgot to mention that they need their pay. An easy mistake to make on his part, thinking you were like all the other employees who are so overpaid that another paycheck won't make any difference to them. We now know the OP works as a secretary to the board of a bank somewhere or in parliament.

flockz 19

get in your car, drive to his office, call him and bitch him out, then throw water ballons into his office and **** his shit up. then again you can't do any of these things can you?

blinkingstarlet 15

No OP doesn't have money for gas or the supplies. Lol Your plan has been foiled.

Rainchikmoo 6

The little things in life that make you wanna flip a bitch

mrz1177 11

What marked the first week? Couldn't you have called earlier?