By Anonymous - 08/12/2011 18:14 - United States

Today, marks the two weeks since my paycheck should have arrived. During these two weeks, my battery has failed, tire has blown, and my phone and water bill have become past due. When I called the guy who's supposed to pay me, he said he has a note about it "somewhere on my desk". FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 832
You deserved it 2 310

Same thing different taste

Top comments

every1luvsboners 11

Go take a shit on his desk then tell him you left him a note on his desk.

This is why we can't have nice things...


1seven1 0

Hopefully next to your lawsuit, f that

Ergayles 9

Yes, because getting a "real job" is as easy as walking into an office and saying "Give me a real job".

You don't even know what it is they do...idiot.

insurednotoriety 0

At least it would make for a good incest dirty movie.

The_SkyCantLimit 5

Well if it's somewhere on his desk I'm really not seeing the problem.

that's illegal to not be paid. you should report this to the police

kaykay20 0

Start putting money in savings so this won't happen again. Will gain interest over time giving you a little extra each month.

Sounds like you should have been more diligent about your money!

It is against the law to withhold pay from an employee. You can have him arrested.