By Anonyme - 06/09/2013 11:56 - France - Caen

Today, my 17-year-old son hacked off the legs of his bed with a saw. His explanation? "The bed looks cooler closer to the floor." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 566
You deserved it 4 996

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just throw him a blanket and let him sleep on the floor. He'll be the coolest kid in the neighborhood.

If he cut it so the whole bed is level I'm impressed


Read this as "my son hacked hisses off with a saw" lol

Buy him one of those tradition Japanese bed futons so he has to sleep on the floor.

joeyl2008 29

I don't see the big deal. You're not sleeping in it

I got really scared because I didn't see the part about the bed the first time and thought he cut of his legs.

My bed sits close to the floor and it looks pretty cool.

Just be glad he didn't hack off the legs of a person because...that happens nowadays.