By Anonyme - 06/09/2013 11:56 - France - Caen

Today, my 17-year-old son hacked off the legs of his bed with a saw. His explanation? "The bed looks cooler closer to the floor." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 566
You deserved it 4 996

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just throw him a blanket and let him sleep on the floor. He'll be the coolest kid in the neighborhood.

If he cut it so the whole bed is level I'm impressed


J6ey 4

I read that soo wrong at first lol. Thought it said that he hacked off his own legs to be closer to the ground. I was like OMG

Why exactly is this a problem? Low beds aren't his own ridiculous idea; they're sold in stores and do have a certain appeal. He's growing up and wants to change his room accordingly. He decided to DIY it rather than whining and getting you to buy a new bed like a lot of teens would. If it was a really expensive bed or a family heirloom then yeah, that sucks, bit if it's just a standard bed it's not really a problem. Just help him sand the edges down so it's even and not rough and you're all good.

Seeing as its most probably his parents who paid for the bed, and he didn't ask permission, then I think it's a pretty valid FML

Obviously it would've been best if he'd talked to them about it first. I'm just saying, it's not that crazy a thing to do, and the end result likely isn't really a problem for anyone.

yankeesfancg 13

You sir have got to have one of the best profile pictures on here. Bravo.

You should tell him about the spiders being closer to his head

Wtf? At that age he should know better...... what is wrong with this generation lol

It's not like he's on crack, it's just a bed.

Apparently taking the mattress off didn't occur to him...but hey if he got the bed level give him a bit more wood he could maybe become a carpenter...

Ohh man I totally read that as, 'my son cut of his legs'.

skyeyez9 24

When I was a teenager, I set my bed on 4 cinderblocks so it was higher off the ground. That way, I could have more storage space under my bed and have more room. I then hung a bed sheet off the boxspring to the floor (like a long bedskirt) to hide the stuff under the bed to make it neater in appearance.

aniforprez 9

I read it as hacked off his legs on his bed. WTF. o_0