By theregoesmyspermcount - 02/08/2009 22:45 - United States

Today, my 250 lb ex-Marine dad announced he was going to start randomly punching me in the crotch, without warning, to "improve my reflexes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 854
You deserved it 5 704

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd suggest you invest in a giant human bubble. Or a cup.


If he does, you can report him for domestic abuse. Keep your phone ready for that important call.

And you're the reason I don't care when someone cries abuse. He's not doing it to assert dominance or to abuse his son, he's doing it as a joke and to help his son with his reflexes. Of course, I'm more of the school of "think ahead - wear a cast-iron cup".

If the father actually proceeds with his threat, then it's still abuse. It's especially worse if he really does get knocked in the nuts hard enough. There's a high chance he won't be able to have children in the future. ..... Now that I think about it, that might not be a bad thing.

zoolander423 3

Please, if only getting hit in the balls the world would be a lot better, and less crowded, place. It would take some serious incident to cause permanent damage. Besides, it sounds like his dad is joking around, and so I hardly think that this would constitute abuse.

it actually doesn't take much to have no chance of having kids. I know a guy who was kicked in the balls because a girl aimed for his backpack and missed, now he can't have kids.

mj2123 0

Of course he's doing it to assert dominance. And punching someone in the balls is pretty much never a joke. Honest to ******* God.

i suppose you're against parents spanking their children, and every kid getting trophies in a "competition" u pussy ass bitch

Wow. You have issues. If he's an ex-marine, he doesn't exactly need to prove that he's tough. Not everything every guy does is the assertion of feminist views on men. And when guys do it, it usually is a joke. If a girl does it, then she's probably being abusive.

stfu his dad is just improveing his reflexes its not domestic abuse you liberal retard

zip123 0
Chasted 0

"Today, I hit my son in the nuts to improve his reflexes and now I'm in jail. Inconsiderate Basted FML."

Basted? In his own juices, I presume?

Good sir, I do believe I've just been owned.

STVader 0

yup ur a noob or, as he'd say, a neb

girandwogpig 0

I pictured Joey from friends when I read that....

You should start randomly calling child protection services to "improve his reflexes".

InigoMontoya 0

Get a glock, load it with rubber bullets, and tell him you want to improve his pain tolerance.

wellinever 5

What's wrong with using live bullets? Warn him you'll start shooting without warning to improve his will to live a better life.

mndz_mkl 0


RomulusV 0

dude that sucks but damn that is funny it happens to the best of us but not always dads sometimes it metal poles from stupid friends

Take up a martial art. I do taekwondo and now my reflexes are so sensitive I flinch whenever someone jerks towards me like they're gonna hit me. It's gotten to the point where people ask if I'm abused.

ufc is way better than taekwondo. its got taekwondo moves and much more

you know that ufc is not a fighting style, right?

Baroness542 6

#29, I do that too. And I'm not in Martial Arts. I just have good reflexes. Either that or I just flinch wayy too much. Maybe both?

ahahahahahah that is awesome. Maybe you shouldn't suck and have slow reflexes.