By theregoesmyspermcount - 02/08/2009 22:45 - United States

Today, my 250 lb ex-Marine dad announced he was going to start randomly punching me in the crotch, without warning, to "improve my reflexes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 854
You deserved it 5 704

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd suggest you invest in a giant human bubble. Or a cup.


sweetSandy 0

oh wow shoukd start wearing a cup

u should have some pretty good reflexes soon or be really flinchy and twitch every time he breathes i suggest karate or ask ur dad to teach u it can only help u in the end

Go get a cup rite now and always wear it

I hyperventilated with laughter. "Son, I've got some bad news. The cat got run over by a 18 whee- -punch-" "REFLEXES. THE CAT DIDN'T HAVE THEM EITHER!" -laughs like a crazed madman- Alternatively, tell him you're going to, while he sleeps take a baseball bat to his nuts, to see if he can detect intruders in your household.

Oh my god I just died of laughter. Thank you.

Probably for calling him an "ex" marine.

mwbddh2 0