By Maxwell - 04/02/2010 10:47 - France

Today, my 4 year old son thought it was funny to put money in the shredder. He stuck over 500 dollars in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 485
You deserved it 114

Top comments

Why did you have 500 dollars easily accessible to a child?

Why was a shredder accessible to your four-year-old, for that matter!


I like how the OP is getting bashed for his parenting by people with no children

robotInDisguise 0

YDI Don't put 500 dollars and a shredder where a 4 year old could get to it......

finalfantasy7 0

I call shinanigans. Bull shit if you prefer. No one in thier right ming would have $500 accesable to a child. Then again you probly arnt i your right mind.

I rarely click on a YDI on an FML post but i guess this is one of those cases. You have to blame the waste of the $500 on your own stupidity, for leaving the money easily accessible to the child. See if you can tape up the money and see if you could get the bank, or atm machine or store clerk to accept it. Next time, child proof anything laying around.

Please put your reproductive organs in a shredder. Then maybe you'll grow a sense of priority. Child > $500. You're not better than OP.

Swan61794 0

What kind of parent let's their four yr old near a shredder OR. $500? Your an idiot.

where the f does a four year old get that much? you totally deserve it

You just admitted to breaking the law. gratz

Time to start to take care of your son. DO YOU REALIZE HE COULD HAD STUCK HIS FINGERS IN THAT SHREDDER?? Not that I care about your child, but I don't want my tax money paying for his medical bill and for accommodating him all his life because of the fact he has only one hand left.

1. why have a tool like that accessable to a child?!!!?!?!?!?!! don't moan about money when it could have been one of it's fingers. 2. why leave you child unsupervised for such a long time. 3. why leave $500 lying around? It's either fake, or it's just abit silly. sounds like a MLIA anyway. "I have kids, they get into things, and DESTROY" yes.. generaly. that why you don't leave things like that ^ ^ ^ ^ lying around.

NightGod 0

I had something similar happen once, back when my kid was about 5. She pulled my pants down off the chair they were hanging on, took out all the cash and had a grand time feeding almost all $600 of it into the slit on the heater vent in our bedroom. My wife and I were lying there in bed reading and she seemed like she was just sitting in the corner quietly playing. Granted, the cash wasn't permanently lost, but it could have very easily been if we hadn't noticed her when she was down to the last couple of bills. As for who keeps $500 around, they're called adults who make more than minimum wage. I start feeling weird if I don't have at least a couple hundred in cash on me and I live off my debit card. Never know when you might end up needing a tow from someone that doesn't take insurance or plastic (it's happened before!) or end up in a place that is having card machine issues, or a bar, or any of a dozen other odd little reasons.