By Maxwell - 04/02/2010 10:47 - France

Today, my 4 year old son thought it was funny to put money in the shredder. He stuck over 500 dollars in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 485
You deserved it 114

Top comments

Why did you have 500 dollars easily accessible to a child?

Why was a shredder accessible to your four-year-old, for that matter!


You've nobody to blame but yourself.Next time don't leave your child unattended and leave $500 lying around

1) why did your kid have acces to the shredder? 2) why was the shredder plugged in/turned on? 3) why did you have $500 in easy reach of kid? you totally derserved it.

dugumit 0

if u can afford to have $500 cash laying around and a shredder left on and accessible for a 4 y.o, then losing the money shouldn't be an issue for you.

How the hell do you have 500$ near a kid?

Simple. Many normal people keep cash in the house. These people also often keep little humans in the house (a.k.a children) Therefore when cash and children are in the same house, they are near each other. Or many OP just taped the cash to the back of the kids head and said "if you can find it you can shred it!!"

lexi88 0

YDI for leaving that much money near a child.

snoopcatt12 0

you TOTALLY deserve it for leaving a 4 years old with access to 500 bucks in any form.

Fminetoo 0

First off, shredders have really small openings, to prevent children from being able to insert fingers. Second off, its not that hard to have 500 dollars somewhere in a house. To all you people that think this is a fake, your most likely too poor and financially unwise to be able to ever have 500 dollars cash somewhere in the house, and don't even own a shredder. Its not the OPs fault everyone is so fricken stupid with using plastic and runs up large debts. OP, i feel for you!

boatkicker 4

It's quite possible to be poor and not in debt. It's also quite possible to be poor, and have a shredder. You yourself pointed out people buying things beyond what they can afford. More importantly, not everyone who is poor, is unwise with their money. Currently, the job market is pretty damn tight. Finding a decently paying job is unbelievably difficult. Low-paying job=not much money, regardless of how careful you are. You've got to pay your rent, and buy food. If you've got nothing, or very little, left over after that, that sucks, but doesn't mean you're irresponsible with your money. (Unless of course you have ridiculously priced housing when there are cheaper places available, or you buy ridiculous food instead of practical things.)

(3) Why would you leave a shredder within accessible range of a toddler? (2) Why would you leave any money — much less that much — within reach of a toddler? (1) How can a toddler understand how to turn on and operate a shredder in the first place? Either that kid is extraordinarily clever for his age, or this story absolutely screams YDI.

boatkicker 4

ANSWERS: 3) Anything is in reach of a toddler. Even things that are on the top shelf in a locked room. Don't ask me how, because i have no idea, but I have seen kids do stuff like this in the short time that it takes for their parent or babysitter (me) to go use the bathroom. 2) It was probably in OPs purse or wallet. They probably left it on a table someone. As already mentioned, anything is in reach of a child anyways. 1) A four year old does not have to be extraordinarily clever to operate a shredder. They're just as simple as a VCR, and when I was little I used to put movies in for myself when I woke up before my parents did.

Alternative answer to 1) Watch and learn. It's how children (or anyone for that matter) learns. blastvortex how did you learn to use a computer? You didn't wake up one morning completely oblivious to what a computer was and blind not having seen anyone in the world use one and start using it. You were either taught or you saw others using and taught yourself.