By Maxwell - 04/02/2010 10:47 - France

Today, my 4 year old son thought it was funny to put money in the shredder. He stuck over 500 dollars in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 485
You deserved it 114

Top comments

Why did you have 500 dollars easily accessible to a child?

Why was a shredder accessible to your four-year-old, for that matter!


stormin972 0

I bet he won't think it's funny when Santa skips his house this year.

why was the shredder and $500 easily accesible to the child! -__-'

YDI X one thousand, for: -Leaving money in a 4-year-old's reach. -Not watching your kid for such an amount of time that he could actually do that successfully. -Leaving your child around a SHREDDER that was RUNNING. -Actually feeling so little shock/shame/fear/regret/responsibility that you'd actually post an FML about it. Here's a tip: It's helpful to keep children under the age of 6 away from sharp objects; particularly those that are motorized. You also may want to consider keeping them within eyesight until they can reasonably be trusted to not accidentally shred large sums of money or, IDK, poison themselves or catch fire. Massive fail, by the way.

Allow me to note that it is possible to redeem mutilated money. As for shredded....Well, take a chance and see.

haha that is pretty funny. since its not my money

how and h the hell did u kid get that he is ociously not a kid... lol jk.. but really how

pluralbusted 0

depending on how finely shreded you can just take it to the bank and get it exchanged... not a big deal at all.

blackmessiah 0

Dear snickersoodle, I hate you. Why the **** do you think it is ok for you to do what you do? Just stop. Sincerely, BlackMessiah

YDI for 1. Having $500 where your kid could get it, and 2. Having a shredder where you kid could get at it. Get the pieces out of the bin, and stick them back together with tape, then take them to the bank. They MIGHT give you new notes.

Thats very true who puts $500 and a shredder where a kid would find it -_-