By Maxwell - 04/02/2010 10:47 - France

Today, my 4 year old son thought it was funny to put money in the shredder. He stuck over 500 dollars in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 485
You deserved it 114

Top comments

Why did you have 500 dollars easily accessible to a child?

Why was a shredder accessible to your four-year-old, for that matter!


I needed to read the FML to get what was going on, but the illustration's pretty clever.

zinc55 0

Okay... 1) Leave over $500 where a child can get it? 2) Leave a shredder on, and accessible to a 4 year old 3) Wouldn't the shredder going ring a few alarm bells in your head when you hear it?

1. Little kids can be crafty little turds [see comment #309.] The money could have been in a wallet in a purse. 2. Shredders can go on floors. My parents have one and it's the size of a regular trash can. Besides, shredders these days are finger-safe. It's not like they expected the kid to shred anything they could get their hands on. 3. What if it was a quiet shredder and/or they were on the phone? Or the bathroom? Not all shredders are as loud as a stampede, you know.

How come there was 500$ AND a shredder within reach of a 4 years old? Who's watching your kid now? D:

Way to overreact to a fake. Keep up the good work, people. Y'allDI. FYL.

I wouldve Orton kicked that kid so hard. That drawing makes me want to stab a monkey.

Edenbeam 19

You all just got trollfucked so hard. You're all super-ghey.

To all the idiots saying "oooh why is a shredder so accessible to a 4 year old" get a life you bunch of overprotective dumbshits. You're the reason why kids these days are such *******! It's the same as parents that watch their kids play soccer and as soon as they fall over they rush over in a panic with a first aid kit and then buy the little turd an ice-cream after the game. If I was this little guy's father, I would have at least 4 or 5 shredders throughout the house just so he could learn the potential dangers of sticking ones fingers where they shouldn't go. Firm but fair!

Illustration is funny but there is a mistake: 4-Years-old kids don't lose their teeth.

boatkicker 4

I lost my first tooth when I was 4.

DizzyLizzy202 0

I lost my first tooth when I was 4 as well. Maybe you should know it for a fact, 290, before spouting it out.