By todaddy - 23/05/2014 19:32 - United Kingdom

Today, my 5-year-old son woke up early and ran into my bedroom to wake me up. Unfortunately, he did this by jumping onto my bed, slamming his knee into my balls in the process. I had to explain my tears of agony away by claiming I was just so happy to see him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 204
You deserved it 4 772

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He started out in your balls, he was just trying to find a way back in.


Why not just explain what he did? By lying to him your only going to raise him to be a liar.

so 10 years later his son will become a compulsive liar because he kneed his dad in the groin... I get it now...

novapine 19

sucks you're getting down voted. because you are 100% right.

So I guess we shouldn't tell kids about Santa or the Tooth Fairy, or just ruin their whole childhood

#72 I know I'm not going to. Not going to raise my kids on bullshit lies.

There is such a thing as a white lie. How would you feel if you were that young, and in your excitement to see your father, you kneed him in a delicate area and he told you so? Would kind of ruin your day at that age.

He's a boy, he has the same parts as you, just tell him that you know it was an accident but it really hurts when you're hit in your private area.

He'll probably learn the hard way some day.

"OH, OH, AHH!! No, son, I'm not crying from sadness, just... *sniffle* so happy to see you."

jack_splat 11

If you can't talk to him about such matters when he is 5, what are you going to do when he is 15 ?

I would have told him the truth or at least say you hurt daddy so he knows not to do it again.