By teeth - 10/08/2011 17:00 - United States

Today, my aunt had to smuggle me some regular toothpaste. Why? My mom isn't letting anyone in our house use anything but "Coral Paste." There are actually lumps of coral in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 446
You deserved it 2 833

Same thing different taste


Little known fact: That's how to Columbian drug cartel started, they just wanted their Oral-B D:

Any chance you could grow a set and use regular toothpaste anyway?

Madiluvsyuh98 2

Whered you find it! My local supermarket ran out

At least it's not made of animal fat like the toothpaste I saw a family using on Wife Swap.

it's more or less the accumulation of fish bones that have calcified and is covered in bacterium

Hang on guys, stay back. This dude is into hockey AND he takes pictures of himself... Don't get too close.

rinoa_fml 10

You do know that regular toothpaste is full of diatoms, right?

Exactly what i was going to say. Everyone uses stuff from the sea EVERYDAY in their mouths. Doh.

perdix 29

Wait until your mom finds out about pumice toilet paper -- you'll have to run away from home.