By malos - 12/08/2010 06:53 - United States

Today, my band got booed off stage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 379
You deserved it 47 564

Same thing different taste


YDI for being in a band that sucks. YDI for being in a band, period. YDI for being on a stage. YDI for not whipping it out and pissing on the front row. Make sure your sound tech didn't turn up the knob labeled "suck".

cssuggs 0

he turned it to 11 :). please tell me someone else gets that

ArtIsResistance7 1

Spinal Tap! Lol @ that movie "Fubar" where the guys are like, "HEY!!! TURN THE SUCK KNOB DOWN! THE SUCK KNOB IS WAYYYY UP!" Trollz, you reminded me of this movie.

HAHA, I'd forgotten about that! I was actually referencing a Far Side comic. "Marty's last day as a sound technician" or something like that.

I see you comment on every FML like this... I bet your 12 years old thinking your tough shit.. get a life moron and never come to FML again.

Oanaj - Quit hating on Trollz, you just took fifteen minutes out of your day to creep on him (finding out he comments on every FML like this), yell at him (not literally since we ARE still on a website), and insult someone who never did anything to you. High five, you're mature. Who cares if he IS twelve? He amuses people. Isn't that what this website is about? WOW! Don't get your panties in a wad...

Yep. I'm 12 and hardcore; I rule my playground. Mess with me, and I'll put a Glock in your mouth and make a brain slushie!

Granddragon 0

next time take a live kitten and bite it's head off when things start to go south.


ok ozzy! lol after he bites the head, hes gonna scream "Its So Fluffy!" hahahaha

Granddragon 0

Doesn't everybody?! YDI for using an Apple product. :(

hawkmcge3 0

I love u trollz and this whole sub topic = win

Granddragon 0

ofcourse they do, because everybody knows that every problem with technology is caused in part or in whole by Steve Jobs. He's technology's Hitler.

Brittney_E 0

and apparentley, Steve Jobs created iPod to cover up the sound of sex.

Brittney_E - Hahaha, I caught up on my reading, I actually know what you're talking about! Trollz & Some Others - You can take away the auto-correct under your settings. Haha that's what I did...


did you play that song "Baby" by justin bieber? that could be the answer to why you got boo'd of stage! lol

Brittney_E 0

another Justin Beiber sucks fan. (:

perdix 29

I told you a Journey tribute band was a BAAAAAAD idea!

I guess it's just a matter of practice. Maybe stress caught into you?

To everyone who says "just practice": he/she needs lessons too, to make sure he/she's singing/playing correctly. If you practice doing something wrong, you will continue to do it wrong. In other words, OP's band will still suck. :(

well it could be that you made someone sing who cant

get over it !! I feel bad for the crowd xD !