By malos - 12/08/2010 06:53 - United States

Today, my band got booed off stage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 379
You deserved it 47 564

Same thing different taste


have you ever stopped to think that maybe, just maybe, you suck???

imright24 0

I've heard some crappy bands but you really have to suck to be booed off stage.

Don't take it so hard, OP. I was in a band that got booed off the stage, as well, and you live and learn. Of course, my band consisted of me on bass guitar, a cutout of David Hasselhoff on keys, a masturbating homeless bum on drums (thank God it was not our drum set), a female mannequin head on backup vocals (which is why the drummer kept masturbating), and Bernie Lornax on lead electric. It was the best setup and performance we ever did IMO.

can you get me the cutout's autograph? once you guys split up, he got a solo record deal, and he's going to be HUGE.

But how exactly does one suck a f**k, Mercy?

RedPillSucks 31

Inquiring minds want to know.... Pictures please.

infamousSG 1
icecreamman222 0

this happened to my band too. except we're middle school so not so bad