By anonymous - 24/10/2014 01:25 - United States - West Babylon

Today, my best friend and I, after years of sexual tension, began to have sex for the first time. Things got heated and he decided to abruptly stand up with me around him. I got so nervous, spazzed out, and now have 37 staples in my head courtesy of his bookshelf. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 394
You deserved it 7 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rough sex, you're doing it wrong. Seriously though, hope you're ok!

37 staples!? Jesus! I went through a windshield and didn't even need 37 staples! Well at least that sex war wound is cooler than run of the mill rug burn.


and they wonder why we won't let them out of the friendzone ....

Why would you have freaked out? If he can stand up with you around him he has awesome strength. That just happens to be my favorite position

ashweaver 12