By moe472 - 24/01/2012 02:47 - United States

Today, my boss fired me because I look like her ex-boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 843
You deserved it 2 498

Same thing different taste

Top comments

randomthing 22
K_kanaka 26

Sue that bitch. It doesn't matter how bad her ex-boyfriend was that's not right.


It depends on the state. Florida, for example, has at- will employment meaning that an employer can fire for any reason or for no reason at all.

I think Indiana may have that law aswell.

Babushka_Homyak 10

@58 Not yet, the bill is coming up for a vote this week though.

OP: I knew I shouldn't have gotten that haircut!

TheDorianMode 8

That's illegal. Solution: Become her boss and fire her for being the boss that fired you for looking too much like her ex.

With a little bit of fairydust anythings possible. You just have to beleave, BELEAVEEE!!!!!!!!!

lizard399 0

Wow, I wouldn't want to work for her anyways. Although, I'd thank her for giving me grounds to sue or collect unemployment.

pippa08 0

pull your pants down while saying "does this look like your ex boyfriends" follow that with "yeah... didnt think so" walk out of the room and leave her stunned and speechless :)

She'd probably say "no, he was hung like stallion, not a light switch"

pippa08 0

it was more of a pointless action to leave her creeped out :p

Or press charges for sexual harassment! Good luck finding a job while being a sexual predator.

Find her ex-boyfriend, bring him in and tell her to compare.

Wow, I dont believe that is legal. Who would want to work for her anyways? She needs to get laid.

maxpaynex007 1

where I come from, you definately cannot fire someone for that! It's not legal. I would check it if I were you :)