By moe472 - 24/01/2012 02:47 - United States

Today, my boss fired me because I look like her ex-boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 843
You deserved it 2 498

Same thing different taste

Top comments

randomthing 22
K_kanaka 26

Sue that bitch. It doesn't matter how bad her ex-boyfriend was that's not right.


I wanna know how you knew this was the reason. I don't think she brought you in the office and told you u look like her ex you fired..

Damn. That boss can really hold a grudge.

1poohbear5 7

If she fired you for that reason then that may have been the reason she hired you too :)

I'm pretty sure you're lying, but if not, it's definitely illegal. That is discrimination. Point blank. You can't be fired because of your looks. Go get your job back (if that's really what happened, which I doubt).

While that's not a good reason to fire someone.

c00lstuff1 5

Not only is that incredibly stupid and questionably this economy there's a good chance you won't find a well-paying job so thats also a real dick move. this boss of yours needs to be fired herself by higher authorities of some kind, because thats just really, really, really stupid.

Bludmagnus 13

And women wonder why some men become total misogynistic assholes......

You could sue her for wrongful termination.