By Anonymous - 21/06/2013 04:44 - United States - Vancouver

Today, my boss held my hair while I threw up. It's day two on the job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 131
You deserved it 9 055

Same thing different taste

Top comments

triplebeerox 27

Well, that was nice of your boss. Sometimes I can't do that even for friends...


I think it could have been worse. Your boss is a really nice person. Make him/her cupcakes to show your appreciation. Everyone likes cupcakes.

RedPillSucks 31

Hopefully not a surgeon. Can you imagine throwing up inside someones body cavity?

At least you have a nice boss, you got lucky.

LookAttMyyLifee 12

Sounds like the beginning of a beautiful friendship. :)

iammaddie1234 9

I'm just wondering why they were in the bathroom with you, if that's where you were. Mine would just tell me to suck it up and work, I hate part time high school jobs

upallnight11 19

That's why they always wear facemasks.

ive done it for my gf I hate people doing it on me as it makes me feel worse but ahe liked that I did

rosha267 21

I'm going to need more information before I can vote

perdix 29

There's not going to be a Day 3. The ADA doesn't count binge drinkers as a protected class.

olpally 32

That's a nice boss on here for once. Feel better op!