By Anonymous - 21/06/2013 04:44 - United States - Vancouver

Today, my boss held my hair while I threw up. It's day two on the job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 131
You deserved it 9 055

Same thing different taste

Top comments

triplebeerox 27

Well, that was nice of your boss. Sometimes I can't do that even for friends...


perdix 29

#16, No, but I saw someone drop a Junior Mint into one.

crazytwinsmom 25

Hopefully, you're ill or have food poisoning, and not just sick from drinking. Then your boss won't be too pissed off.

RedPillSucks 31

Face mask will stop the projectile part of vomiting but it's not going to stop vomit from coming out. Facemasks are meant to stop germs from the surgeons breath.

I second 30: From my actual experience, Ive seen a doctor sneeze (in the O.R.) and even the mist came out of the mask *shudders*

I really hope you're a chick. Otherwise that's just weird.

On the bright side you have a very nice boss! *starts whistling "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life"*

Epikouros 31

The crime scene isn't getting any cleaner that way.

16 should definetly change his profile picture

It's only your second day and you've already got the boss working for YOU? Good job!