By poopcoloredeyes - 31/10/2011 20:06 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend admitted that the only reason he remembers my eye color is because it's the same shade of his shit after he's had a salad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 211
You deserved it 3 693

Same thing different taste


Move over Mills and Boon, I think we have discovered a new genre - the medical romance novel. "Your eyes are the colour of freshly extracted gallstones" he exclaimed. "Your hair is smooth and brown like my shit the morning after I've drunk a lot of whiskey, and your teeth are shiny and white like the head of my pimples."

Oh, how romantic!!! I'm being sarcastic, lol

natashax21 5

Oh really 60, I couldnt tell. And just for you, ...... P.S: I'm being sarcastic.

Thanks for your help 153, I never would have guessed, I said I was being sarcastic because some people can't tell when people are using sarcasm.

How sweet... :/ It's funny he can remember the color of his crap, but not your eyes.

Read the FML Miss Student! Or is reading not a requirement in the special school you are attending? Sweet.

Such a sweet compliment, it's the thought that counts!

Why do people tell each other these things? Even if that is the - very weird - way he remembers your eye colour, why the hell would he say this to you? There is no way on earth it could have just come out in a conversation. He must have just decided to announce it. Did he think you'd find it cute or something???

exactly what i dont understand! so many fmls are like this...

1JDub 6 about a Hallmark sweet

Does he stare deeply into your eyes while telling you he loves you....and then burst out in giggles?

lindsaymarie225 0
DirtyPicture_fml 0

Lmao that's shitty . Literally .

bubo_fml 10

Why did he HAVE to admit it? Were you interrogating him Abu-Grave style? "My eyes! My eyes! What color are my eyes, Bitch?!"

you have succeeded in literally making me lol. kudos to you my kind sir!

Did you give him a hard shitty look after he told you this?