By Anonymous - 27/11/2010 02:09 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend announced he has stopped wearing deodorant because he thinks his BO smells "manly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 111
You deserved it 3 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nataleeeuh 0

If he wants to be manly, he should listen to the guy on the Old Spice commercials. Does your man look like me? No. Can he smell like me? Yes. SWAN DIVE.

ThoraxeTheImpale_fml 0

He takes advice from Larry the cable guy doesn't he?


You might like it. My ex was kind of turned on by my BO. Not after a workout, obv. But she kind of liked it after a normal day, if I hadn't worn deo for whatever reason. Sometimes I didn't bother for that very reason. Maybe it does in fact smell manly.

Valentine_Beauty 5

gross...that's just the middle ages way of thinking.. my ex used to think that men should not wear deo, but i couldn't stand to go near him with the don't have to use the excuse of being macho not to wear deo, it's about hygiene right?

I Personally Think It's Manly And Arousing o_O

nicholasj96 9

Thats is so gross. one of my uncles does this, he absolute reeks.

Why don't you just tell him that his "manly" ass ain't getting any until he starts wearing deodorant again?