By Anonymous - 27/11/2010 02:09 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend announced he has stopped wearing deodorant because he thinks his BO smells "manly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 111
You deserved it 3 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nataleeeuh 0

If he wants to be manly, he should listen to the guy on the Old Spice commercials. Does your man look like me? No. Can he smell like me? Yes. SWAN DIVE.

ThoraxeTheImpale_fml 0

He takes advice from Larry the cable guy doesn't he?


I am always smelling like a pimp or an actual man when I'm with my girlfriend. Last time I was with her she fell asleep on me cause of my Ferrari perfume ;)

CoachLlama 5

I doubt cologne makers will be breaking down his door to reproduce his "scent" for the holidays. Who knows, maybe eau de armpit will show up in the malls this year.

Armpit Water? lol. That's what that translates to.

I think he did that on purpose... so basically you fail at understanding a simple joke -_-

do you not know anything about colognes and perfumes? many fancy ones are titles 'eau de___'. also some are called eau de toilette. i guess you can figure out what that means

Lilllly_1316 0

It's where you write "this made me lol" or press "favorites". and they're FMLs 99.9% of them make people laugh out loud.

I just got this horrible mental image of OP's boyfriend masturbating while smelling his own armpits.

Hmmm... there's an experiment waiting to happen...

Pssh, did you know science has proved that women get in the mood from manly body odour?

Isn't cleanliness still worth factoring in?

gtrgdss 0

years of meticulous marketing research also proves that BO makes people puke too. your point?

Djpeepee is right. Every time after I play sports or go running my girl will want to have sex with me. I'll say let me go freshen up but she will practically beg me not to get into the shower. I think there is a limit both ways. If we go too long without showering our odor will eventually become disgusting. However, most of us shower way too much and we wash away the pheromones which make us attractive to the opposite sex.

Draminicaus 0

Yeah, science proved there are pheromones in male sweat. But, like the guy said a couple threads up, no woman is going to stay around long enough for those pheromones to kick in.

Agreed. Right after intense exercise, the scent of guys' sweat can be a turn on, but that's right after. If he's just sitting around in his sweat for a few hours, then he just smells gross.

nick543 0

Sounds like you have a real man. You should get him a beer.

Look bra being a real man doesn't mean smelling like shit

the sent of a warrior can never be cleansed!

That's funny, my bf loves my BO cuz apparently it smells like popcorn