By Anonymous - 27/09/2009 12:17 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, by text, while we were in the same room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 168
You deserved it 4 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

let me guess the reason why he broke up: lack of communication?


solocredere12 4
Osakhomen 0

What a piece for CRAP! Sorry about that.

I'm glad for you, OP; now that you know your boyfriend was an asshole and it subsequently ended. Find someone who isn't an idiot. Good luck.

The horrible things I would do to my boyfriend if he ever did that to me...

He's probably scared of you. He thought you might hit him, scream hysterically or shout to everyone else that he has a tiny dick and uses it poorly to boot.

Sunako_fml 9

how is he scared of the OP when he texted her IN THE SAME ROOM that she was in??

He could have been really close to the exit when he pressed "Send."

The guy should have telegrammed it to her, but pay extra so they sing the message. That's how I plan on breaking up with all my super model girlfriends.

nerdgirlagogo 0

He's a loser! He could have at least picked up the phone....

Sun_Kissed18 25

They were in the same room... Why is CALLING to break up better than texting it in that situation?

S1R 0

I hope u beat him woith ur cell or YDI for doing nothing about it