By Anonymous - 27/09/2009 12:17 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, by text, while we were in the same room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 168
You deserved it 4 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

let me guess the reason why he broke up: lack of communication?


I think text message break-up is becoming the new IM break-up. I don't know whether it's just as bad or worse...

Back in my day, When a boy wanted to cut loose a girl, he'd send a polite, though curtly worded fax . . . And we loved it! Flibbity-floo.

Woah , man i've seen that ON TV. so i dont think he actually did that. :/

you do realize that people do and say things they've come across in stories, shows, and movies right?

oh well, one less asshole in your life.

invalid_name94 0

ouch... You probably deserve more than that.

I call fake.

Exact some thing has happened to me about two years ago. What a dbag.