By bluebelle - 19/10/2015 11:10 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend brought me a bunny for a house present for moving into our first house. She escaped her cage and bit through the electrical wires, cutting out all our power and electrocuting and killing herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 967
You deserved it 2 810

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Sorry to hear about Cottontail. On a side note: hasenpfeffer, anyone?

Anyone who downvotes this clearly doesn't get the reference. Or is far too young to know it.

I believe it was a Sherlock reference, from the hound of the Baskerville.

Actually, it was a reference to an old Bugs Bunny cartoon

jlujan00_fml 9

I would definitely stew over that one for a while.

was this some kind of a suicidal bunny or something? Rip bunny!!

Rabbits like chewing on electrical cords. You have to be careful with them as they bite whatever cords they can.

not really sure why i got down-voted that much but thanks for explaining

christinamarie17 29

You got down voted because it sounds like you don't know that rabbits like to chew on electrical cords.

@18 My rabbit caused me to go through 13 phone chargers in half a year. I would hide them and she would find them. It was nuts haha

I thought it was a reference to the book with all the suicidal bunnies.

I feel terrible for smirking at this! (Yes, go ahead, downvote me, atleast im honest! I dont mean it in a horrible way either just oh idk)

Shoulda bunny-proofed the house. They like to chew. Lots.

Haha. It just wanted to be a duracell bunny??

What stops the Duracell bunny? Electricity!! Lmao..

This may be the best most worst fml I've ever seen.

How on earth did he get a hold of a footless rabbit? (Sorry, but I had to say it.) More seriously, this is a good example of why surprising people with companion animals is a bad idea.

Maybe he wanted the rabbit for himself and wanted to use it to his advantage to surprise her and make her happy. There are people who buy what they want for other people.