By anonymous - 29/12/2009 01:21 - United States

Today, my boyfriend called me 80 times in 5 minutes. I had previously told him I was with my friends. He left me a voicemail proposing saying he loved me to death and he was crying. We've been dating for a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 252
You deserved it 5 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments


WhatchaWant 0

Wow some of the things that you people say....? Seriously?! Someone actually supported this dude and said it was actual honest love and blamed this girl for ruining a good thing. Are you kidding me? You must be one of those overly critical overly obsessed type of people as well. And Very clearly he didn't call 80 times in five minutes its damn impossible. But for people to understand the magnitude of the volume of calls its good for what she was saying. Your gonna criticize that...really? Look chica this... this dude is very clearly crazy. One week? Even if he did love you after a week and im not denying that possibility. It has happened. He is obviously very obsessive and highly attached. If your sensible (most people that see something wrong here are) then you've probably already broke the news to him and i say more power to you! Theres ALOT of weirdos out there be safe.

it's amazing to see the rediculous fights people can get into over some fmls.

My first real bf was like this...I was feeling sick one afternoon, and had a party and opening night that night so I tried to take a nap. Three texts from him later, I replied "can't talk" and went back to sleep. That was at 3. When I woke up a 5 there were 10 texts from him, "r u mad," "can't we talk," "i luv u." I broke up with him that night. Weird: I'm listening to a song about a girl freaking about someone proposing to her. Thought I should share :]

hthelittleone 10

hahahaha #24 saaaaammmeeee lol

YoUr_ObSeSsIoN 0

Thats kinda creepy o.o maybe he just never had a gf before and doesnt know what to do..or maybe hes just clingy..idk xD oh wells sorrys

allen20 0
Armymanski 0

Hahaha, that sucks. STALKER!

vvbrittxv 0

okkkkkk I think ur over exagurating a lil on the eighty calls lol. but I went out with a guy like that before. it was torture. I broke up with him after like five days. he is now going out with my sister. she's ninteen and he's around sixteen or seventeen. my sister is pretty stupid if you ask me.