By anonymous - 29/12/2009 01:21 - United States

Today, my boyfriend called me 80 times in 5 minutes. I had previously told him I was with my friends. He left me a voicemail proposing saying he loved me to death and he was crying. We've been dating for a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 252
You deserved it 5 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments


DeStock 0

He had waaaaaaaaay too much alcohol in his system.

Wow. OP, you need some help with that situation. I reccomend breaking up with him as soon as possible, demanding a restraining order, and buying yourself a firearm. I'm not kidding. That situation doesn't end well more often than not. I've seen stalkings, kidnappings, suicides, and even homicides from that kind of situation.

x805xUnknown 6
thanakanasaza 0

ughhh sounds like something my ex would do :P

get away while you can, cuz somebody's got some attachment problems

lolololololololololololol he's a keeper