By Anonymous - 09/04/2012 00:13 - United States - San Mateo

Today, my boyfriend gave me a $100 gift card for Victoria's Secret. Suspicious, I checked the receipt he'd left in the bag. Turns out he had bought it during the 2 weeks we were broken up for some other girl who rejected him, so decided to give it to me instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 361
You deserved it 6 997

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XxgreymoonxX 8

What a jerk! Buy like the sexiest lingerie they have and show him. Then say 'too bad you'll never see me wearing them ;D' then kick to the curb :3

Achall91 17

Dress up in it, show him, then ask if you look okay because you want to impress your new boyfriend.


How did you know that it was for another girl who rejected him, just by looking at a receipt??

jayisacooter 1

Ate crazy??? The guy is back with you do shut your pie hole & use the damn gift card

mercedes3210 6

you moanong hag. get over it.. i notice you dodnt give it back to him. grow up

midnight165 5

So the real fml here is the fact that he tried to get someone else while you 2 were broken up? Shows he's ambitious.. Maybe you should be happy he's not with someone else.. I hope your not complaining about getting a 100$ gift card because he could've easily given it to someone else.

YDI OP. If you thought you might find an answer you won't like, you shouldn't have snooped. You're the kind of girl/woman who purposely won't tell her partner her birthday is coming up to "test" him and when he forgets you have a wonderful excuse to be mad at him. Stop seeking out the drama and you might actually have a good time.

just use the gift card and move on. obviously you were on a break, and he has no chance with that girl if a VS gift card didn't work. if it happens again, hey, you've got free shit.

luckygirl42213 0

Do you know for sure it was for someone else? Maybe he did get it for you as a way to try to get back together with you? Well, either way, at least you were broken up if he was going after another girl.

I imagine that would hurt so I feel sorry for you, but the way you said you were suspicious after he gave you a nice gift is off-putting. Why would you be suspicious anyway? Unless he's confirmed it was for someone else, I wouldn't worry about it; for all you know he bought it for you when you were broken up because he was trying to win you back. I think if you're going to be suspicious of a gift, your relationship won't last very long. So even though you're hurt, I'd relax and just take it for what it is. Which is free lingerie.

When there is no trust, you end up finding out ****** up shit.