By karebear - 09/09/2010 05:33 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of 6 months said he wasn't going to break up with me, he was just going to stop touching me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 706
You deserved it 4 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Translation: Today my boyfriend told me he's gay. FML

PurplePigeon 0

This made me laugh. I personally think there's more to this, like he kept trying to touch you and you kept freaking out or something. He still likes you, he's just sick of hearing you bitch & moan. This is all just my theory behind why he did what he did.


Obvious troll is obvious. Please don't feed the troll.

1121osu2110 0

I say that all the time to my gf bc she wants to be teased and not pleased and I want to please.... so next time he wants some tease him and roll over... play the same card on him... tell him your not going to touch him.

He's either gone gay or he's cheating on you but still wants something from you

What an inventive way of saying "I'm breaking up with you".

Thats your cue to dump his ass. Also a new time to Reinvent Yourself !

perdix 29

Sorry to tell you this, but that is the passive-aggressive break-up. If you quit a job, you can't collect Unemployment, but if you get fired, you can. When you want to leave a shit job, you slack off, give your boss a lot of crap and wait until you get canned and get to leave AND go on the dole. Same thing here. He's making you the villain so he can go around town, cry in his beer about being dumped and collect "Unemployment" aka, Sympathy *****.

I have to agree. So basically, your ex-BF is also too gutless to just come out and tell you he's breaking up with you.

hahaha. waft stank? maybe op needs a bath