By karebear - 09/09/2010 05:33 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of 6 months said he wasn't going to break up with me, he was just going to stop touching me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 706
You deserved it 4 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Translation: Today my boyfriend told me he's gay. FML

PurplePigeon 0

This made me laugh. I personally think there's more to this, like he kept trying to touch you and you kept freaking out or something. He still likes you, he's just sick of hearing you bitch & moan. This is all just my theory behind why he did what he did.


you might as well be in a long distance relationship all talk no sex how boring

Do you have some sort of rash or something?

You're one of them girls who just give up taking care of themselves figuring why bother when they have a guy aren't you? Win for your bf.

raep that ****. after you shave yer pussy bald and take a shower and get all clean and dolled up for him. raep him and make him want it. he will come crawling back begging for more

EvilDave 13

Find a new b/f. Tell him you are not breaking up with him. You are just getting touched by someone else.

I agree w/ above comments. Either you cheated and he needs time to forgive you (this happened to me and my gf as well), or he kept trying to "get some" and you would always refuse. In any case, ********** in front of him, and see how long he stays away. oh yah, and apologize for cheating

they always say that! then before you no it their all over you again!!

have u tried... WASHING YOUR NASTY ASS?!?!