By amanda_ae_erin - 10/11/2009 04:02 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of 7 years broke up with me in a text message. Then I found out from a mutual friend that he "came out" and told everyone at our school that he is gay. He has known he was gay for years and he was just using me as a cover up. What a great way to start my senior year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 010
You deserved it 5 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I really hope you mean your senior year of college...


o wow that sucks but there wasn't ANY hint that there was something off in your relationship? I had a couple good friends in highschool who I knew well for years and when they finnaly came out I was never surprised because you can just tell :/ or did your seven year relationship consist of kissing in between classes and rarley seeing each other outside of school?

Why should she "swallow her feelings" and support him after he used her for 7 years? A jerk like that doesn't deserve anything from her.

coming out is hard. some people don't do it until after they're married with children. although being gay is becoming more and more accepted by society in general, coming out is still a terrifying process to go through. Yes, it sucks for you, but try to be supportive for him. Likely you're one of his best friends and friends are what he needs right now.


EXACTLY I'm glad someone else knows what the REAL FML situation is. I mean yeah you just got heartbroken but you have no idea what it's like for him. Actually you should be proud of yourself that he chose you (most gay men in denial will find the "hottest" girl to use as his cover up). So yeah, don't blame him, blame homophobia! There will be many saved heartbreaks if society didn't shun homosexuality.

7 years and you never picked up on a single sign that your boyfriend was a little light in the loafers? Sorry, but YDI for being so oblivious. Even the most manly gay guy out there still looks at guys.

Congratulations! You are now officially a fag hag. You must feel so proud.

Why does everyone seem to think that his feelings are more important than hers? She feels angry and hurt and betrayed, because he used her for at least a good portion of the 7 years they were dating. If she feels he is not worthy of her friendship after all that, she has every right to just walk away.

Its not that bad, you guys weren't even married. It happens to alot of people, your not alone. one day you will look back at it and laugh.

sportsnut 0

you're in high school, you dont know what love is and its better you know he's gay now that to catch him pounding another man in the ass when you go to visit him in college next year

everydayisFML 0

YDI for considering something you started with someone at 10 years old a real relationship. Is anyone else sick of seeing all these dramatic posts from little kids? I know, I know... I choose to read it, so its my fault, blah blah... but really, I swear there weren't that many of these stupid ones when I started reading the entries on this site. Oh well. OP- one day, though it may be many years from now, you will realize this was never "love" and is really not a big deal. There are many worse things to encounter in life, and you will laugh someday over this melodrama.

Apparently being a homosexual gives you a free card to use and dispose of people with blatant disregard for their feelings. If he was so concerned about his sexuality then he should have remained single instead of USING her as a cover up. =/ He could have told her and asked for her help to keep his secret but he didn't. He lied to her for 7 years.. that's if this is true which I don't believe it is. But there are cases like this which are and my statement applies to those.